40 Days Scholarship

40 Days For Life – Scholarship

All too often, it seems that social attitudes have been greatly influenced by supports same-sex marriage, gender ideology, and the redefinition of the family. But when you peal back the onion and ask the sometimes difficult questions about what your people really think, we are clearly winning the hearts and minds of young people on the truths about abortion.
Recently, The 40 Days for Life Podcast, shared that new polling data reveals Generation Z and Millennials are increasingly pro-life: 40daysforlife.com/Gen-Z-is-pro-life. The research further shows that solid majorities of these young people become pro-life when educated on a few basic facts about abortion and fetal development.

To help accelerate these pro-life gains, each year, we award the 4040 Scholarship to a college student who is making an impact on campus.

This year’s winner was Eastern Washington University student and Spokane, Washington, 40 Days for Life leader Kathryn Amdahl.

Kathryn has engaged more than 500 churches in her area through her 40 Days for Life campaign. She has also:
• Launched her Students for Life group on campus
• Served on a team that knocked on tens of thousands of doors to discuss abortion
• Helped host a fundraiser that contributed thousands of supplies to seven area pregnancy help centers
If you’re a pro-life college student (or know someone who is), check out the application for the next 4040 Scholarship: