Why Register as a Parishioner?

Every Catholic should be registered in a parish. Beside the active support and involvement that the registration enables, the parish registration is also a mandatory condition for many sacraments including Baptism and Matrimony. *It is therefore important to register at your local parish as soon as you start worshiping there regularly.
 You may request verification letters to sponsor individuals for sacraments,
receive sacraments yourself or your child (i.e. marriage, baptism).
 You will receive end-of-the-year tax contribution statements.
 The Archdiocese will know that our parish has a healthy base of registered,
supportive parishioners.

To register in the parish, please visit the Rectory or print out the
on our website, fill it out and return it to the rectory.

*You are not automatically registered if you made your Sacraments here as a child or went to the school.